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Coolest Things at the PGA Fashion Show and Project Golf

August 21, 2018 | 

August in the fashion world is when apparel brands preview the next year's spring and summer collections. Golf fashion follows the same schedule, and that's why the PGA Fashion Show is held this time each year in Las Vegas. It's an opportunity for companies of all sizes to offer an early glimpse of what fashion is to come. This year, another trade show jumped on the golf fashion train, creating a 2-for-1 preview opportunity for 2019.

MAGIC is a leading fashion trade show held every year in Las Vegas covering all major fashion categories from men's and women's to footwear and children's apparel. This year for the first time there was a section of the show dedicated to golf. Inside "Project Golf," there were fashion brands showing their golf collections and golf brands showing their fashion offerings all next to a Topgolf Swing Suite simulator.

We scoured both show floors to find the coolest apparel items coming soon to a golf shop near you. Here's what you need to know for the coming year.


Foray Golf

This NYC-based women's golf brand, Foray, aims to bring runway fashions to the golf course that still feel comfortable and play great. Every piece is a conversation starter on both the look and feel. Don't be surprised if some of the pieces in the Foray collection look Dior- or Chloe-inspired. The pieces are durable, like the Framis tape placketed golf shirts. Framis tape creates a stronger bond than typical sewing, which explains why Foray used it to make a lasting shirt with a unique sheen. For 2019, they're going fashion-forward floral in skirts, like the Floom skirt ($160).

The brand recently collaborated with 8BitBrand to create the "Gods of Golf" line of digital prints.


